Rapattoni MLS Series

Rapattoni MLS Series

Rapattoni 101 
You will learn:
Homepage modules
Navigation menu bar (preferences, profile, help-learning center, multi sessions)
Searching and action bar (listing locator, speed search, standard search)
Interactive maps
Listing Input
Throughout this session, you will also be introduced to:  iMapp (property search, telephone numbers, labels), Realist (labels, demographics reports, statewide property search, RPR (amazing CMA reports, flyer reports, nationwide search
and much more....
Rapattoni 201
You will learn:
Reverse Prospecting
Mobile Rapattoni
Edge: email alerts
Throughout this session, you will also be introduced to:  iMapp (property search, telephone numbers, labels), Realist (demographic reports, statewide property search), RPR (amazing CMA reports, flyer reports, nationwide search
and much more...
Rapattoni 301
In this session, you will learn:
General overview
How to create a report from scratch
How to copy and modify an existing report
How to publish a report
  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Instructor - Maggie Curiel

    In this class, you will learn:
    Homepage modules
    Navigation menu bar (preferences, profile, help-learning center, multi sessions)
    Searching and action bar (listing locator, speed search, standard search)
    Interactive maps
    Listing Input
    Throughout this session, you will also be introduced to:  iMapp (property search, telephone numbers, labels), Realist (labels, demographics reports, statewide property search, RPR (amazing CMA reports, flyer reports, nationwide search
    and much more....

    Maggie Curiel

    Miami Association of Realtors

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Instructor - Maggie Curiel

    This session is a pre-requisite for MLS: Rapattoni Report Writer Workshop 301

    You will learn:
    Reverse Prospecting
    Mobile Rapattoni
    Edge: email alerts
    Throughout this session, you will also be introduced to:  iMapp (property search, telephone numbers, labels), Realist (demographic reports, statewide property search), RPR (amazing CMA reports, flyer reports, nationwide search
    and much more...

    Maggie Curiel

    Miami Association of Realtors

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Instructor - Maggie Curriel

    In this session, you will learn:
    General overview
    How to create a report from scratch
    How to copy and modify an existing report
    How to publish a report

    Maggie Curiel

    Miami Association of Realtors
