MLS Matrix Series 501: Finding Out of State and Global Buyers


MLS Matrix Series 501: Finding Out of State and Global Buyers
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Open to view video.  |   Closed captions available Adding and editing international listings using global region International listing search using the map Search for listings by country The IMLS benefits and how to Register Global Property Exchange Your MIAMI Global Resources, Global Partnerships, Annual Congress information

Adding and editing international listings using global region
International listing search using the map
Search for listings by country
The IMLS benefits and how to Register
Global Property Exchange

Your MIAMI Global Resources, Global Partnerships, Annual Congress information

Christy Denys

Instructor of Technology Services

Miami Association of Realtors

The MIAMI Trainers are dedicated to providing hybrid classes spanning over 220 MIAMI products and services. MIAMI Tech Training team prepares and schedules over 80 classes a month for MIAMI Realtor Members. MIAMI Tech Training is managed by a duo, Liset Hanes, SVP of Training Development and Cecilia Echezabal, Manager of Concierge Services, which prepare, monitor, and provide opportunities for training with your MIAMI Trainers. MIAMI Trainers provide live, on-demand, hybrid hands-on training and webinars to MIAMI Realtor Members, Admin, and Brokerages.
